Very valuable perspectives Li, thanks for that.

I published a similar article on how Web3 needs to become more personal and "cultural".


It's closely related to the concept of psychological attachment that you're mentioning.

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thank you! agree it's very closely related - thanks for sharing!

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I would argue that millennials fled to Instagram and Snap partly because they got older. At least by no longer identifying with the social motivations at age 35 that suited them at age 25.

On the broader subject of psychological attachment to technology, unfortunate timing though:


There is a challenge of what does attachment mean when digital products have their power source flipped off, as often happens in an instant.

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Hey Li.. I really enjoyed reading this article. It's part of what motivated me to build this new NFT model to solve the issue you posited in this article. I'd really love for you to go through and share your thoughts. Thanks! https://0xsagetega.substack.com/p/4c010112-0fc0-40c1-baa4-68a3effba0d1

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Mineness vs. ourness: 2 ownership primitives into 1?


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I recently shared a post about LEGO, which highlights the significance of psychological ownership and its immense benefits within a community. And yes, we shouldn't limit ourselves to psychological ownership alone. By merging psychological ownership with asset ownership, we can create an even more potent force, paving the way for a fairer, more democratic, interconnected, inclusive, and innovative user-owned internet.


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"...the alignment between the product’s attributes and the user’s self-concept — called self-object continuity...", did you meant for this to be Self-object congruity?

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fixed, thank you!

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I have to agree with a lot of what has been written. There is a lot of work that also needs to done to debunk how brands have treated crypto projects, like NFTs, as a side hustle or part of a marketing campaign to check off the web3 box.

Having built a web2 community used by millions of consumers I think web3 folks still underestimate the amount of underlying work that needs to be done to build a sense of real connection and more importantly reciprocity.

It took 18 months to build the current Answerable platform to account for both the needs of brands and consumers that would enable a win-win set of interactions driving content, community, and conversions (rewards for users, sales for brands).

It's only that we took the time to build a truly flexible foundation for B2B web3 that we can look to launch our community DAO and tokens.

In a perfect world we'd have your support ;)

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Amazing read! Makes me wonder. There *really* should be a 'my year in crypto' product (allowing for optional privacy).

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oooh like a etherscan wrapped? haha

also, hi Simon!

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"This year, you paid x in gas fees! The top 20% of users!"

"Who loves Pudgy Penguins as much as you do? You really stacked it. You own a whopping 12 of them!"

"Your top LP pools this year earned you xyz ETH. Good job! Hope you got some airdrops for that!"

"Ooof, looks like you got rugged by project F. Here's a hug from us!"


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haha "99th percentile of rugged frequency" oof

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