creating a token does not create a community. the artist must first create their art and then create a community from that. Only then, can the artist start to monetize. The token does not take away the initial work. You say Daniel crowd funded. so he already had a community?. what happened before he crowd funded?

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I think Li covers this point when she says "There are still obstacles to be reckoned with, of course. While this playbook jumpstarts capital and audience growth, it doesn’t remove the upfront effort needed to cultivate a small, passionate following so that the creator’s tokens are well-received."

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hi Li, I discovered you in the podcast "chopping block, so I am interested in reading your substack. In the podcast you mentioned you had a substack that is got me to sign up. I am looking forward to reading it

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The way the author simply illustrates the web2 v web3 creator playbook also illustrates a big part of the challenge in marketing to mainstream / entrenched audiences. Even for gamers, who are used to the idea of betas and alphas and crowdfunding, have a hard time buying into this model at the moment. It's a paradigm shift and, like most, will take years of audience building, communication and proof points to shift the hearts and minds of the massa populi.

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You are spot on and so articulate as always. As someone who has worked at the intersection of Creators x Community for a long time, I'm excited for shared ownership. I suspect in the next 5 years or so labels, studios, publishers, and brands will have to negotiate with Artists and their fans which will be fascinating. There will be a need for new royalty payments applications.

From my experience, most Artists want control over their primary art work and don't want to include fans input at first; once its released remixes are more welcome. Also Creators tend to be open to collaborating with fans on merch and content. Lets see if Web3 tools change things for Gen Alpha Creators and following generations. I'm here for it!

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Is Web3 overrated? Interesting article. How does one define Web3? Is it simply jargon? It seems to revolve entirely around blockchain and cryptocurrency, something that can collapse in an instant of time.

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Great read Li. Curious to know your thoughts on whether newsletter articles qualify as token currency. What if writers could create tokens to share the rights to their content?

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If you are or will be building and serving a Web3 Community, read this SOON. I found it insightful, informative, helpful, and easy to apply.

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Enjoyed this one, thanks for writing.

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Enjoyed this one, thanks for writing.

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