Thank you for writing this really excellent and insightful analysis of an event that I absolutely loved and that, as you say, breaks new ground in so many different ways.

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This is a fantastic write up -- thank you! I love the tie-ins with other media evolutions in the past.

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Love this!! It's so fascinating to see what's happening on TikTok right now with the platform being taken over by quarantined millennials and other folks who are "too old" for the platform, but totally rocking it. I love watching how platform use adapts as user needs shift... The quarantine mainstreaming of OnlyFans is crazy to watch.

This pandemic sucks, but it sure is making for some interesting new use case scenarios 🤓

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The whole thing felt super authentic and relatable because it was on Zoom, a platform everyone's used during lockdown.

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The more I read about the Passion Economy, the more convinced I am that the best time to be a creator is yet to come. This is evident with the success of Zoom Bachelorette and how much they spent to make it happen. Thank you for covering this shift in the depth that you do.

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No idea that this happened, yet I'm not surprised it did! Thanks for reporting in such great detail. Love the commentary too 🙏

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